student devised performance / Rok Pogelšek, Lea Klančič


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About the performance

A pensioner in a retirement home loses his memory. Is he really what others tell him he is? Has he really done something horrible? Why does the caregiver look at him so judgmentally? He remembers his mother's gentle hands holding lime tea... But, no! Mum had big hands with which she had hit him so many times. Wait... Who is he? And what is the truth?

The play raises the themes of psychological violence against the elderly in retirement homes and the question of one's own identity, while music connects everything.


Authors: Rok Pogelšek, Lea Klančič
Mentor: Tamara Babić Nikiforov
Production: Zveza kulturnih društev Nova Gorica, KUD Moment and OI JSKD Nova Gorica

About StudenTheatre

StudenTheatre is a programme introduced by Theatre Glej and JSKD with the intent to encourage and develop theatre by students not enrolled in university theatre programmes.

The annual original performance is presented by the students at the StudenTheatre Festival, which this year takes place in Hiša otrok in umetnosti and JSKD Skladovnica.