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About the project

Understanding the complexities of current European society is impossible, especially for the younger generations, without knowing and understanding the complex historical developments and narratives. In most EU member states teaching history in the system of formal education is predominantly focused on national, if not patriotic history narratives. The consequence of this approach is that young people have a lack of knowledge about a wider, transnational and shared European history.

The project's overall aim is to foster a common culture of remembrance, mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among young people from 6 EU countries through the commemoration of important historical turning points and political changes in Europe's 20th century.

Specific objectives:

  • to improve history education by developing new international historical perspectives and new methodology for teaching history by using theater,
  • to commemorate important historical turning points and political changes in Europe's 20th century,
  • to make young people interested in researching a transnational European history in order to develop a European identity,
  • to promote the values of an open democratic society and struggle for freedom, justice, equality and fundamental human rights. 

A total of 8 international activities are planned. One workshop and 7 festivals, 6 in situ and 1 online. Partners from each country will produce a youth theater play, organize a festival with 6 performances in their venue, invite one new partner organization and send their performance to 5 festivals in partner countries. The duration of the play will be 45 minutes, and after each performance, there will be a debate with a young audience. 

Topics of the partner countries:

Netherlands: The Process of Decolonization,
Czech Republic: The Prague Spring in 1968,
France: May ‘68,
Portugal: The Carnation Revolution 1974, 
Slovenia: Disintegration of SFR Yugoslavia, 
Italy: Resistance and Revenge.

International festivals

28.-30. April I Mezzago, Italy I festival producer: delleAli Teatro

2.-4. May I Braga, Portugal I festival producer: Gledališče Glej

13.-15. June I Montpellier, France I festival producer: Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University

10.-12. September I Ostrava, Czech Republic I festival producer: NDM Ateliér

18.-20. October I Deventer, Netherlands I festival producer: Het Stichting Theaterschip

5.-7. November I Ljubljana, Slovenia I festival producer: Gledališče Glej

4. December at 16h I online festival I festival producer: Gledališče Glej

Partners of the project

Gledališče Glej (Slovenia)

NDM Ateliér (Czech Republic)

delleAli Teatro (Italy)

Het Stichting Theaterschip (Netherlands)

Theatro Circo (Portugal)

Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University (France)


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, programme CERV - Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values.

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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