student devised performance / Davorin Juhart, Anastazija Leščak, Zala Reich, Nina Slanič, Eva Karolina Soršak, Jana Zorko

About the performance
People react with fear and anxiety not only to real dangers, but also to anticipated and imagined discomforts and dangers, even those that may never happen. The sensation of falling, of not being able to run, of teeth falling out, of dying, of drowning, or of watching giraffes being beaten and being confronted with a person we do not want to see. Situations that we can escape in real life, the subconscious takes great pleasure in serving to us in our dreams.
Authors: Davorin Juhart, Anastazija Leščak, Zala Reich, Nina Slanič, Eva Karolina Soršak, Jana Zorko
Performers: Davorin Juhart, Anastazija Leščak, Zala Reich, Eva Karolina Soršak, Jana Zorko
Consultants: Tatjana Peršuh, Nina Pertot Weis
Production: Glej Theater
Special thanks: Maribor Puppet Theatre, Zavod BOB and Mladinski center ULCA