About the project
Idea for 4ID project grew out of the creative process with teenagers (two of them from each partner organization were part of Denver conference). Intense creative process enabled them to use their imagination for possibilities to create new common performances. We soon realized that different organizations use different methodology of working with teenagers. We therefore created collective project in which its young participants can learn specific theatre methods they can later on share with their friends.
Throughout the project we intend to challenge our different backgrounds and create space for our differences. Intense reflection of our common strategies will be in our main focus. Keys topics that we are focusing on are European identity, Europe and our future in it, hopes, dreams, fears connected with Europe and similar things. We intend to connect those topics with questions of sexuality, gender, sex, family, rowing up, friendship, love and fun. In short, we wish to research different elements of teenager's integration in Europe.
In the first part of our project, we will gather different materials that will lead into development of local performances which we will show to our partners on the main meeting in October 2019 in Slovenia. In this meeting we intend to build up a co-production under the mentorship of a professional artist. Final result of the project will be a collective performance that will reflect the contradictions and differences among us.
Project is a part of Glej youth programmes and is based on principles of mutual learning, social skills development and answers to the needs of young people today.
Partners of this project are:
Glej Theatre, Slovenia
Strangetown, United Kingdom
Theaterschip, Netherlands
FSU, Finland
SNG Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Performance within the project: Red drowning
You can find more about the performance we premiered on 8th of April 2019 in Glej Theatre on this link.
This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission, Erasmus+ programme.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.